I love taking portraits, especially when the subject is comfortable being in front of the camera.
Yulia and I were taken to visit the Grand Mosque. What a experience, and I had a great time taking pictures of the Mosque and Yulia for half a day.
As a presenter and guide to image manipulation and workflow to the design and Photography communities, I can’t help but be drawn to the art of portraits.
I guess it started with scanning and retouch front covers of books and magazines. It was a large part of my work for quite a while.
What I love about this picture is, the technology used to capture this image and, techniques used to retouch it are irrelevant. The subject, and her comfort in front of the camera creates no barrier, no wall between her eyes and heart.
Her face is full of micro expression without fear of the camera.
Eyes, eyes in imaging are for me so so important. The compression within the camera kills the nuance of details within the eyes. Retouching to represent reality, not, enhance beyond reality, this is always my goal.
When I take a picture of someone I take time to study and make a mental snapshot of the eyes, so that I can edit the image in software to do justices to the reality of the person in the shot.
The eyes here capture, this is always my aim.