Perfect Storm
This just encapsulated everything that I adored about living in the North West of Ireland.
The Crowded House song “Four Seasons in one day” would constantly be playing in my head while living there.
I really dislike cloudless skies, the clouds for me make a landscape image. So, the weather up there was perfect for me.
The story of this image is cool, really cool.
Two days before taking this picture I was giving lectures in Perth Australia. Perth was alway the last leg of my tours back then and whenever I was in Perth, it was hot, so dam hot. It was over 40 degrees this time when I left, I know this because the air conditioner broke in the lecture room which made it very uncomfortable for everyone.
So I leave Perth to fly home. I arrive in Ireland to be greeted with what I was told to be record temperatures, really really cold temperatures.
My first day back was between -15 and -17 depending who you listened to. But I was desperate to go out and take pictures so, I did.
I went down to Rosses Point, went to the beach where I didn’t often go. Looked out to a boring sea scape. It was a clear blue sky and freezing cold. On the left of the lighthouse is Strandhill and, to the right, Maugherow.
As I looked to my right, funny enough a few years later I would be living over to my right, I saw clouds forming. I cloud see a real weather system coming in but it was slow. I really wanted to see the outcome of the scene that the weather was creating so even though I was frozen, I decided to wait…
About 40 – 45 minutes later and this cloud scape materialise in front of me, I think you might agree, it was well worth it.
I have retouched it to a high degree to get the most drama into the shot. Now when I look at it I feel it is too much. But, I retouched this to become a huge framed print. That hasn’t happened yet, but I am sure it will… One day.
Editing S/W
Cannon 5D MKII
Cannon 85mm 1.2
Apple Aperture
Adobe Photoshop