Ben Bulben, Maugherow
This beautiful spot was fifteen minutes from my home in Maugherow, North West Ireland.
What you see is the Ben Bulban mountain range. From left to right you also see the extreme weather changes that would occur.
Ben Bulben, Maugherow
It was so easy to be in Maugherow. This beach shot was a regular occurrence, and, obviously my camera was well used along this stretch of coast line.
There is a blue house on the waterfront to the left of the picture, I dreamt of living there.
On a recent visit back to the area, a friend told me the owners had renovated it and were renting it out for a huge amount of money, I am not surprised at all. What I really liked about this shot was how the weather was changing, you can see the rain coming in from the right, while it is still bright and sunny. When I moved into the house the owner told me of his fascination with watching the weather change, sometimes on a minute by minute basis. It really was trully beautiful there.
I knew when I left I would miss living there, I just didn’t know I would miss it this much.